4th & 5th

Good Feelings 😊

● Write three things you do to take care of yourself. Why do you think these help? 

● If you had a time machine, where would you go? Why? 

● Create a Feelings Chart:

○ Make 6 vertical columns and label them “Happy, Proud, Worried, Angry, Sad, Embarrassed” 

○ Write down three trigger for any of the feelings (Ex. When my parents give me a hug, I am happy.)

● What is your favorite outfit? How does it make you feel? 

● Write about a special memory you have. Who were you with? What were you doing? 

● Describe yourself in 5 words. 

● Create a My Urges chart:

○ Make 6 horizontal columns and label them “Happy, Proud, Worried, Angry, Sad, Embarrassed” 

○ Write down three urges in response to any of the feelings (Ex. When I am sad, I feel the urge to cry.) 

● What is your favorite time of the year? Why? How do you feel when it is that time of year? 

● Who makes you feel special? How? 

● Write about a time you helped someone else. How did it make you feel? 

● What is your favorite thing about yourself? Why? 

● How would your friends describe you? Would you agree or disagree with them? 

● Who is your biggest inspiration? Why? 

Bad Feelings 😡

● Write about a time you bottled up your feelings. What did it look like when it exploded? (Ex. scream, cry, hit) How did you make yourself feel better? 

● If anger was a person, what would it look like? How would it make you feel if you saw it? 

● What three words describe how your body feels when you are worried? (Ex. headache, dizzy, tearful, breathless, sweaty, cold) 

● Write about a time when someone yelled at you. How did that make you feel? 

● Is there ever a time or situation where it could be okay to lie? When? 

● Read the situation below and come up with a specific way you could make each choice to respond. Circle the choice you would make in this situation. 

○ I thought I did well on a test. I received a lower grade than I expected. 


○ Try to solve the problem 

○ Make myself feel better about the problem 

○ Let it go and move on 

○ Do something to make the problem worse

● Make a list of the things you can do to distract yourself when you feel worried. (Ex: I can read a book, I can go for a walk, I can take deep breaths.) 

● Choose a bad choice you have made in the past and write down two results of that choice. (Ex. When I yelled at my mom, she took away my tablet and sent me to my room.) 

● What do you do when you are mad at someone? Why? 

● Write about a time when you felt embarrassed. What happened, and how did you make yourself feel better? 

● When are you most angry at yourself? Why? 

● What is your biggest fear? How do you face it? Does anyone help you face it, or do you do it alone? 

Art 🎨 

● Draw two people: one happy and one sad. Think about what made them feel this way and write it down below. 

● Draw a Worry Monster. What should you do to make it go away? 

● Draw you and your family celebrating your birthday. What do you do? 

● If you could invent something, what would it be? Draw your invention below. 

● Create “My Feelings Cards” 

○ Make 10 rectangles & label them “Worried, Frustrated, Disgusted, Sad, Surprised, Happy, Embarrassed, Hurt, Proud, Jealous” 

○ Draw a face for each of the cards that matches the feeling 

○ Cut the cards out and put them in an envelope 

○ When you are feeling a strong emotion, look at your cards to help identify what it is you’re feeling and take control! 

● Draw your classroom. Color your favorite parts in blue and your least favorite parts in red. Why did you choose to color these either blue or red? 

● Draw a strong Worry Box where you will store your worries. 

○ Whenever you start feeling worried about something, imagine locking your worry away in the box. 

● Draw three things you can’t live without. Why did you choose these? 

● Draw yourself doing something you are good at. How long did it take for you to be good at this? What do you like about it? 

● Draw you and your favorite people. Why are they your favorite people? How do they make you feel?