2nd & 3rd
Good Feelings 😊
● What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
● Describe yourself in 3 words. Why did you choose these words?
● What is your favorite activity to do after school? Why?
● If you found $1000 on the road, what would you do with it? Why?
● What would you do if you were famous for a day?
● If you had a magic carpet that could take you anywhere, where would you go? Who would you bring with you?
● Write about three things you can’t live without. Why did you choose these?
● If you were a grown-up for a day, what would you do?
● What are three things you do to feel calm and relaxed?
● If you could invent something, what would it be? Why?
● What is your favorite outfit? How does it make you feel?
● Who makes you feel special? What do they do to make you feel this way?
● Write about a time when you had to wait for something you wanted. How did you feel when you finally got it?
● What was your highlight of the week? Why?
● If you could change your name, would you? What would it be?
Bad Feelings 😡
● What do you do when you are mad at someone? Why?
● Write about a time when you felt angry and sad at the same time. How did it feel?
● Have you ever done something that made you feel disappointed in yourself? When?
● What is your biggest fear? How do you face it?
● Write about a time someone was mean to you. How did it make you feel?
● If anger was a person, what would it look like? How would it make you feel if you saw it?
● What do you usually worry about? Why? What can you do when you’re feeling that way to help yourself?
● Write about a time when you felt disappointed. What happened?
● When have you gone to an adult for help when you were feeling sad or mad? How did they help you? How did that make you feel?
● Is there ever a time or situation where it could be okay to lie? When?
● What three words describe how your body feels when you are worried? (Ex. headache, dizzy, tearful, breathless, sweaty, cold)
Art 🎨
● Draw your classroom. Color your favorite parts in blue and your least favorite parts in red. Why did you choose to color these either blue or red?
● Create your dream bedroom. What would it have?
● Create “My Feelings Cards”
○ Make 10 rectangles & label them “Worried, Frustrated, Disgusted, Sad, Surprised, Happy, Embarrassed, Hurt, Proud, Jealous”
○ Draw a face for each of the cards that matches the feeling
○ Cut the cards out and put them in an envelope
○ When you are feeling a strong emotion, look at your cards to help identify what it is you’re feeling and take control!
● Draw two people: one happy and one sad. Think about what made them feel this way and write it down below.
● Draw what makes you worried. What can you do to help feel less worried about this?
● Draw yourself doing something you are good at. How long did it take for you to be good at this? What do you like about it?
● Draw yourself if you had super powers. How would you use your powers?
● Draw a Worry Monster. What should you do to make it go away?
● Draw you and your family doing something special. What was it? What made it special?